Sunday, October 31, 2004

New Artwork: Opened my Science Fiction album.

Stories I'm reading:

The Bush Pledge--Freaky.

Men of Mythology [c/o]

Matrix Pingpong

The Official True Christian Halloween Combat Guide

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 30, 2004

New story: The Connection by zulator (body swap)

Stories I'm reading:

Missouri High School censors Gay Student--Webb City High School has twice sent Brad Matthewson home for wearing pride t-shirts because "other students may be offended" by them even though anti-gay marriage stickers are "ubiquitous in the school's hallways and parking lot". Fuckers. [c/o Atrios]

Daily Show on Missing Explosives (BitTorrent c/o Over/Spun)

It's an outrage


Five major changes in the 'Star Wars' DVD--What does PVP's Brent Sienna think of this?

Scary Costumes

Friday, October 29, 2004

New Artwork: New gallery of pics posted called Shrinking the Competition

Stories I'm reading:

Operation Truth--"We are the voice of the troops, a non-partisan group created to help them share stories of life on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Report: Video Shows Explosives Went Missing After War--Wither the White House's assertions? Blown away by the truth.

NASA photo analyst: Bush wore a device during debate--The battle of the bulge continues. Salon

"Hobbit" Discovered: Tiny Human Ancestor Found in Asia [c/o Boing Boing]

SizeDifference--SizeDifference is a place for guys who enjoy others who are either much taller or shorter than themselves.

Horny Punk's Giant Gallery

Land skates alive!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

New Artwork: An age regression sequence for The Wrestler's Take Down by Luz Rojo.

Stories I'm reading:

Sox Win World Series to End Storied 'Curse' NYT

Murdoch: Fox News does not favour Bush--Looks like somebody else is out creating his own reality. 8-|

California's Proposition 69--Nope, it's not that kind of proposition--it's worse. [c/o Boing Boing]

Georgie Forgie

The Mootrix (Video) :O

Hamlet... in the original Klingon [c/o]

80s rockers assume fresh identity--This is an AR story waiting to happen.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

New Artwork: Greetings sportsfans! A special athletic When I Grow Up... edition is now posted at The 'O' Zone.

Stories I'm reading:

Mosh--Bush ain't Eminem's homey. Salon


A Culture of Cover-Ups NYT [c/o Bush Out]

John Stewart on CSPAN


Narzil's Page--Satyrs, cervines, minotaurs. Oh my!

"Some lame ass Halloween story-arc"--Only as PVP can give you. :)

The Hooter's Reunion

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Stories I'm reading: Sachiako

The Choice--From the Patriot Act to the Iraq war, "the damage visited upon America, and upon America's standing in the world, by the Bush Administration's reckless mishandling of the public trust will not easily be undone." [c/o TalkLeft]

GOP candidate in Hawaii supports executing gays

Al Qa Qaa Questions--Will the truth ever surface?

Take the Patriot Pledge--And if you don't, why do you hate America?

Gay Transformation Role Players Group

Dungeon Majesty--Gamer girls go wild... well, not really. [c/o Boing Boing]

10 Dumb Moments in Sci-Fi Cinema [c/o]

Monday, October 25, 2004

Happy Hallo-week! From today until Sunday, the site will feature science fiction, fantasy, and transformation links, stories, and artwork.

New story: Becoming by toddmen8302 (hs mast tf fant)

Stories I'm reading:

Huge Cache of Explosives Vanished From Site in Iraq--What's not stressed in the artcle is how the "DOD [Department of Defense] even went so far as to order the Iraqis not to inform the IAEA that the materials had gone missing." NYT

Afghanistan, Iraq: Two Wars Collide WaPo [c/o AMERICABlog]

"The Electoral College is a lot like Bay Area traffic -- everyone complains about it, but fix it? Forget about it." [c/o]

The Brown Shirts are coming! The Brown Shirts are coming!--Republicans to guard the polls from Democrat "fradulent" voters NYT [c/o BuzzFlash]

Wolf Packs for Truth--Our canine friends come out against George W. Bush, the Boy Who Cried "Wolves" [c/o Talking Points Memo]

Men's Health Wallpapers--Scroll past the babes to get to the bods.

Halloween Farked

A Love Letter to Star Trek--It's good to be a geek. [c/o wil wheaton]

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Stories I'm reading: Sleepy Saturday

Enjoy the Draft [c/o AMERICABlog]

George Bush and his supporters--The so-called reality-based community has a don't ask, don't care thingie going on. Some of them are now more convinced of the presence of WMDs than ever before and, when faced with the facts, they lie to themselves to feel better. After all, if Spurious George wrong, where would that leave them?

"He just doesn't get it." [c/o Talking Points Memo]

Stupid poll reporting--There's a media bias all right, but it ain't all that liberal.

Grand jury refuses to indict killer of would-be thief--Hmm, hard call. At first I sided with the grand jury's decision, but on the other hand, his life wasn't threatened, and protecting property doesn't warrant the use of deadly force in New Jersey. [c/o]

Triumph the Comic Insult Dog chews out the debate spinners--"Have a safe trip back to Stepford." :)

Sex while Sleepwalking

Head for the hills!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

Tenet: Iraq was "wrong" [c/o Atrios]

As God Is His Witness--Bush is no devout evangelical. In fact, he may not be a Christian at all. [c/o Bush Out]

The O'Reilly Factor for Lesbians NYT [c/o AMERICABlog]

Some Guy With a Website [c/o This Modern World]

School District Bans Halloween--"The district says Halloween celebrations and children dressed in Halloween costumes might be offensive to real witches." 8-| [c/o]

The influence of sexual orientation on vowel production--Oh my gawwwwd. They paid money to research this? Why? [c/o little. yellow. different.]

Bryan Singer on Superman--Is Brandon Routh our new Man of Steel? [c/o PVP]

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

An unmannerly pre-Election Day splenetic--Tony Kushner writes, "I think what's really driving me nuts is that 50% of my fellow citizens are going to vote for Bush, and I don't understand it." [Thanks Wolfie!]


Dubya's bulge is an iPod--Case closed. :D

Sushi-SB drives--Totemo kawaii desu ne! [c/o Boing Boing]

WANTED: Gay Man with Excellent Perception Skills--If you live in New York, then ABC is looking for you. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Monday, October 18, 2004

New story: Bringing Up the Baby by BBK 4 GM4C (mm hypno AR)

Stories I'm reading:

"The creeping Putinization of American life" [c/o Political Animal]

From the New York Times

From Salon

From CNN

Anti-Bush Thong Protest Charges Dropped--"Prosecutors dropped the charges Friday against six men arrested for protesting the Abu Ghraib prison-abuse scandal by stripping down to their thong underwear and forming a human pyramid during a visit by President Bush." [c/o]

Manhunt--The Search for America's Most Gorgeous Male Model


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

Jon Stewart on Crossfire--"I'm not going to be your monkey." Here are some links to the vid.

From the New York Times

View of US worsening: poll [c/o Bush Out]

The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000 [c/o kottke]

Billionaires for Bush

Giant Penis Invades Sundance! [c/o]

The Queer Test

Friday, October 15, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

Is it time to panic yet, Karl?--Don't count Mr. Rove out just yet.

Will We Need a New 'All the President's Men'? NYT [c/o Daily Kos]

U.S. Government Reaches $7.38 Trillion Debt--That's treeee-llion... [c/o Atrios]

The sins of Sinclair

Freeway Free Speech Day: Driving America to Think--Check out the pics that vent a little bit of road rage.

Craziest--A short story on Scrabble

Vintage Christian sex instruction LPs :O

Mouse Fly B)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Stories I'm reading: Say Uncle

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Just Don't Cut It--The Log Cabin Republicans are planning to file a case that "is fundamentally about correcting a misguided governmental policy based on prejudice toward gay and lesbian Americans." Salon


Sale of September 11 coins halted--"A shameless attempt to profit from a national tragedy."

Dishonest Dubya Lying Action Figure

FCC Proposes Indecency Fine Against Fox TV--Whipped cream plus strippers equals $1.2 million in fines. :O

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

Checking the Facts, in Advance--It's not hard to predict what President Bush, who sounds increasingly desperate, will say tomorrow. Here are eight lies or distortions you'll hear, and the truth about each. [c/o AMERICABlog]

Voter Registrations Possibly Trashed--Daily Kos notes that, "this firm, Voters Outreach of America, is one of the firms hired to collect petition signatures for Ralph Nader in Arizona." [c/o Talking Points Memo]

Conservative TV Group to Air Anti-Kerry Film--Despite a growing number of legal and legitimate protests, Mark Hyman of Sinclair Broadcasting has declared the show will go on for "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal." Fortunately there are ways to counter this such as boycotting the company and its advertisers and having their FCC licenses revoked. (A former FCC chairman briefly explains why Sinclair's decision is deplorable.) Better yet, send this link to your friends so that everyone can watch Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry for free.

We The Media--Dan Gillmor is publishing his book online under the Creative Commons license.

Nobody reads weblogs?

Five films you'll never get to see [c/o]

Go Granny Go!--Steve Irwin's got nuthin' on ya. :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

Christopher Reeve, 1952-2004

Republicans vs. Democrats--Between the two at this point, the Democrats have become the lesser evil but can be quite evil on their own nonetheless. Still, the GOP is something to behold.

The Cult of the Source LAT [c/o Atrios]

The Death Of Accountability In Australian Politics

The Daily Show on Bill O'Reilly (BitTorrent link)

Optical Illusions [c/o]

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Amendment Banning La. Gay Marriage Tossed--"Judge William Morvant said the amendment was flawed [...] because it had more than one purpose banning not only same-sex marriage but also civil unions."

For Marines, a Frustrating Fight WaPo [c/o AMERICABlog]

Faith Without Works--"After four years, the president's faith-based policies have proven to be neither compassionate nor conservative." But the Moonies don't seem to mind.

Bush's mystery bulge--Was he wired? Salon

Fox's Definition of "Fair and Balanced

TV station reports that Bush has been elected President

"Another child left behind."

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Stories I'm reading:

The Bush Administration is the Ally of Union-Busters and the Enemy of Working Americans--"We cannot remain silent as the Administration harnesses the power of government to serve the special interests of the super-rich at the expense of ordinary, working Americans."

Republicans for Kerry [c/o Political Animal]


From Atrios

From BuzzFlash

The Daily Show on the Vice-Presidential Debate (Video)

Beware of Electronic Voting ;) [c/o AMERICABlog]

Scrotal Safety Commission [c/o]

Would you like fries with that?

Friday, October 08, 2004

Stories I'm reading: EroticStories

Gay Republicans ask RNC to stop gay-baiting this election--I find it strange that these Log Cabin guys seem to have more cahones ever since David Catania quit. Weird coincidence?

Why Don't Americans Care?--Do you know who Halliburton is? Dick Cheney? How about Karl Rove? Alas, most Americans don't. [c/o Bush Out]

Weapons of Mass Distraction


Republicans, Out of Ideas, Ask Prosecutors to Arrest Michael Moore--Looks like they got a wedgie instead. [c/o Wonkette]

Seriously...--Well, not so much, but still... :D [c/o AMERICABlog]

Have a gander at this 2-foot-long, 14-pound cock [c/o]

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Stories I'm Reading: Family fun

The New Right and Old Wrongs: The Quagmire, A to Z

Republicans... Too Stupid to Breathe--"62% of Republicans think Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks."

Iraq is a hard place

What the Fark is going on?


Kong is King--'Nuff said.

Gay Waiter, You Tricked Us!--"How dare you flirt with TWO DESPERATELY HORNY girls (ages 21 and 23) for a TIP?? a TIP!"

Sunday, October 03, 2004

New Artwork: A new album for Big Project, a story written by muscl4life (mm musc giant)

Stories I'm reading: One of my all-time favorite authors has set up his homepage. Check out Stories by Stimle

Spain legalises gay marriages, sparks Church anger

Baptist Official Leaves Over Gay Policy--"The director of student life at Richmond's Baptist Theological Seminary has resigned, saying he could not enforce a policy that excludes practicing homosexuals, including those in committed relationships."

Catastrophic Success--Bush's new address is in Egypt where he lives in denial NYT. He must be feeling the heat and can't wait for that October Surprise to fall on his lap.

Debate questions for the President voters would like to see--And here's one more. (By Scott Bateman)

Oops... they did it again--Boy, is FucksNews on a roll or what? Communists for Kerry, my ass. And it looks like they're "simply moving on" from their lastest faux pas. 8-|

The Daily Show on the first Presidential debate (BitTorrent link) [c/o Boing Boing]

Is Mubie gay?--This MP3 player has a USB jack... up its ass. Well, I suppose it's better than Astroboy shitting bullets. Housed in his hips, riiight.

Socks in your pants are so five minutes ago...--Get The Bulge, because "when you look like a stud, you feel like a stud" ;) [c/o]

Saturday, October 02, 2004

New artwork: Added one big image for The Jocking

Stories I'm reading: Sleepy Saturday

Anti-Gay Groups Call For Boycott Of Proctor & Gamble--Don't let them get away with it! Support P&G's products.

FucksNews fakes Kerry quotes--Disgusting, but then again, not at all surprising from the network thrust upon America. FucksNews has since apologized for their error, "now that they've done as much damage as possible with it." [c/o Boing Boing]

"Is Bush's biggest mistake too awful to admit?"

The Daily Show on Rathergate (BitTorrent link c/o Over/Spun)

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars--Glee! :D