Sunday, January 28, 2007

New stories by cicero, Texzilla and Wolfpek

New stories:

Dihydrogen Monoxide--The latest terrorist threat!

Get a First Life--Then you can get a Second Life

Transparent Backgrounds--Tres kewl

The 90s Flowchart--Can't touch this

The Matrix XP Has You

Monday, January 01, 2007

New story: The Masturbation Chronicles: Tale No. 1 by glaucon

New artwork: Check out Amici Per La Pelle, my first comic translated into Italian by Ottovero

New story: The Masturbation Chronicles: Tale No. 1 by glaucon (mm nc humil)

Stories I'm Reading: Naughtily nic

Bush screws the Country--Literally [c/o AMERICABlog]

French protest 2007--Pourquoi? [c/o]

Darwin Awards 2006