New story: Hunter: V.I.P. by Aardvark
Election '08 Winners and Losers
Meanwhile, in an alternative universe--It's going to be a difficult job fighting back the loyal Bushies who are still in denial as to why they lost.
What's on cable?
- Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable--"I do not compromise with bullies and I would rather spend fifty thousand dollars on defense than give you a dollar of unmerited settlement funds."
- Monster Cable Sues Baby Clothing Company just another lawsuit by lawyers trying to justify their retainers, but I know one thing: I will never ever do any business with this company.
- Denon's $499 Ethernet Cable
One reviewer warns:
"A caution to people buying these: if you do not follow the 'directional markings' on the cables, your music will play backwards. Please check that before mentioning it in your reviews."
But another enthuses:
"If I could use a rusty boxcutter to carve a new orifice in my body that's compatible with this link cable, I would already be doing it. I can just imagine the pure musical goodness that would flow through this cable into the wound and fill me completely -- like white, holy light. Holding this cable in my hands actually makes me feel that much closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. I only make $6.25/hr at Jack In The Box, but I saved up for three months so I could have this cable. It sits in a shrine I constructed next to my futon in Mother's basement."