New stories: Wrestlr
Former creationist preaches gospel of evolution
Florida and Evolution
- Evolution Debate Heats Up In Florida
- Don't monkey with science in our schools
- Eden's apple falls far from evolution tree
Allowing the word 'evolution' to creep into science class would be a terrible mistake. [...] You not only should maintain your ban on the 'E' word in science class but also should allow for further retooling of scientific lessons to palliate the justifiable grievances of the faith-based community in such an irritatingly non-faith-based area of study.
Old concept: magnetic attraction because of bipolarity of ferrous objects.
New way to be taught: "filled with the spirit of the Creator's force field."
- It's time for Florida to evolve
- Flying spaghetti monster defeats anti-evolution FL school board--RAmen, I say unto you.