New story: I am very happy to welcome one of muscle growth's classic authors, Rdyroger, who has returned to writing after a long hiatus. Read Sugar Packets 3 by Rdyroger.
- US Vatican abuse case to go ahead
- Vatican warns mobile phones are bad for the soul
- Calif. priest tells Obama supporters to confess
- Pig Ignorant Religious Nuts
- Roanoke Rapids charity rebuffs turban-wearing donor
Gay marriage
- Richard Rodriguez on why churches fear gay marriage Salon
- When Are Your "Privately Held Religious Beliefs" Not So Private Anymore?
- Standing up against religious bigots--Should religious discrimination be codified?
- Dishing it out; not taking it
- 'No God' slogans for city's buses--How is this supposed to help?
- Time to stamp out atheists--Lots of idiots sending in Letters to the Editor