New stories:
- The Bet 2 by Jaypat
- The Jocking: 3rd Quarter: 02:00 by CallMeCrazy
- New Year's Resolution 12 by lthrjock
- The Salt 7 by RdyRoger
- Special Delivery 4 by dymondbolt
Bad for Business
- Wordpress resists Canon attempt to take down Fake Canon blog
- Google submission hammers section 92A--"In its submission, Google notes that more than half (57%) of the takedown notices it has received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998, were sent by business targeting competitors and over one third (37%) of notices were not valid copyright claims."
- Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger's site
Rotten Apple
- App Store Lessons: the game changer rejection
- Apple Rejects EFF Updates App, Claims Parody Content Is Objectionable
- Whither Eucalyptus?
Customer Disservice