New stories:
- Bear's Bear and Brews 4 by xythan_shadow (mm hypno)
- A Good Investment by zulator
- Jekyll and Hyde Redux 2 by shade
- My New Pal 6 by BBMSN
- Tim's Adventure 13 by Wordshop
Polinización: El Cómic--A good friend of mine has translated Pollination: The Comic Book into Spanish. Check out the other comics he's translated before.
- Confessions of a Tea Party Casualty--"It's a dangerous strategy to build conservatism on information and policies that are not credible."
- Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered--Right-wing Digg members set up a burying brigade to keep articles they don't agree with from reaching the front page, like one on Obama could've been before they got exposed.
- Blind Faith in Republicans
- Enough right-wing propaganda
- Media fooled by right-wing propaganda -- again
- David Letterman - Rachel Maddow on Breitbart and Fox News
- Anthony Weiner Rips Apart Republicans on 9/11 Health Bill
- Right Wing Fringe Internet Freaks Out Over Three-Year-Old Onion Video